Closed for a little while

And so after everything that has been going on over the past few weeks we decided as of the 22nd March to close the gates of Celtic Woodland for the time being. This was not an easy decision to make but given the current circumstances we felt it was best for our young family, our friends and our wider community to do our bit to help slow the spread of this virus.

Anybody who has a booking between 22nd March and 17th April has been contacted via email to rearrange their bookings. We understand that these are uncertain times and there is a possibility of having to move other bookings also. Please bear with us on this, we are taking each day as it comes and constantly evaluating the situation.

We really do hope that this does not last too long and we look forward to welcoming you all in the not too distant future.

You can contact me about your booking via email or 07880853162.

Stay safe everyone


Just us and the birds.......


Coronavirus update - Yes, we are open!